
The playmaker : the watcher :: the one who lives : the one who slips into nothing


That’s what they call me

And say inhumane

Is that what I’ll be

I’ll be a death without a tombstone

A silhouette, without a shadow

I have only seconds, mere grams of time to stretch this point from inside to outside:

The playmaker is a mover, a shaker, a groover tethered to a string from above that dances him through life and there’s something about someone with this personality bend that Science will never be able to dissect, pull out, study with bright light and shiny instruments and men of “high IQ” try for millennia to figure out just WHAT is this characters trick! How is he able to, like black hole, pull life into his orbit and twist it into something of energy, of passion.

This in itself is moving magic.

WAR KITCHEN ISSUE 009 is LIVE! I believe whole heartedly in the War Kitchen goals. Ascension of beauty. Truly a publication led by SPIRIT. Rocky is someone who walks the walk and has changed many lives through his Art. Please check it out, share with a friend, read over wine or espresso. Support CREATORS. Here.

This is untaught and, if trying to analyze this characteristic (of which doing so is impossible, and destroys the gift) we must understand this is innate.

It’s an intrinsic perspective that LIFE should be lived, as is, taken for what it’s worth and then inviting the hidden happenings out to the light.

This person will find a diamond in a pile of shit and everyone after, with hindsight, will say they new the jewel was also hidden there.

The Playmaker sits exact opposite The Watcher.

These two types will never understand each other for that which comes to one with ease evades the other as two opposing ends of a magnet. There is no middle ground, no mutual territory in which these two can sit and share a beer because they are a different species all together.

How can bird speak to fish about flying?

STOP. I’m being ripped away by a blonde holding a bottle of vodka forcing me to take a shot knowing I only drink whiskey and only like brunettes.


It’s over. I’m back. Alive. More Russian, Less Kentuckian, now with a raving approach to our previously hinted at point and a sense of personal pride as I say NO to SEX!

The Playmaker!

The make-it-happener!

Most will have trouble even fathoming the life of this Man as it’s so far from their four walled perspective, chained to the availability of others, or the level of freedom they believe each human is restrained to, by natural parameters (of which are nothing but self induced.)

They don’t believe Reality can be stranger than fiction and this limiting belief is the final nail in the coffin of EXCITEMENT.

Our guy is either so free from reality that he’s not chained by any of the shackles of normal limitations or #2 he’s so aware of reality, feels and senses it through all 5 of the avenues so deeply that he knows how to manipulate it in for his own benefit and, thus, the benefit of those around him.

A friend of mine is walking this walk.

From Chicago. I graduated college with him. Now he’s traveling the country, essentially ‘homeless’ and without a job. Just vining.

He calls me while I’m at gym, “Are you at home? Bringing some friends over.” and I’m not one to interrogate or press for answers if it’s something I’m going to have answered by myself in the near future so a simple “nah, I’m in gym but the doors open. I’ll see y’all there” suffices.

This guy knows 0 people in my Southeastern village by the sea.

I get back and there are 7 woman sitting in the spot, some laying on Persian rugs, others pursuing celebrating the funeral, a couple with my wine glasses in their hands.

This, I’ll reiterate, happened out of nowhere.

and it is much in my style to take a simple observation and build it into something… more.

So, he became the topic of my attention. Kerouac does this often with Neal Cassady, albeit my and my Chicago brethren’s relationship is more equal grounds. Both make shit happen.

Now please reader imagine with me this scene. Look at it from all angles. It’s late afternoon and mere hours before the direction was heading a complete opposite way. Spontaneous living. Open To New Experiences (which coincidentally, is a personality trait of the lower class.) The sun is setting and reflecting of the hair of all the blondes in the room while we sit around, meeting each other, waiting for the moon to rise and shine off all the brunettes.

This night ended at 5am beside the ocean.

Now the opposite. Two WATCHERS together. A boring night filled not even with the ‘idea’ that something exciting could be invited in and turned into reality by THEM with just a little bit of EFFORT and CHARISMA.

I see this always in hustle culture. Staying in for days. Hustlooooors. Convinced they’re moving forward just because they aren’t giving in to ‘distraction.’

The whole “lock yourself away for 6 months” approach.

And in the vein of ALWAYS leaving Souled Idea posts wrapped in a layer, even if thin, of optimism:

Realize none of this is out of your reach. Remove the highly literal interpretation you may have of this story and zoom out, apply to other scenarios - ALL opportunities. You have the power to make your life what’s it’s meant to be. Only you have the power.







Small Small Small


Angel Stomping